Pigeon Collection
Acceptance Period 1st March - 30th June 2025
- Activation fee US$580/ Pigeon
- An activation fee of 1 pigeon is required on the day entering the first pigeon (US$580/Team)
- After completing the 120 km. Qualifying toss, participants must pay for all pigeons that returned within 3 days, (excluding the first activation fee), then pay the remaining activation fee within 5 days to be eligible for the next subsequent races. Pigeons that clocked in before the cut-off time will be considered.
- Example: : TEAM DAY sent total 12 pigeons and paid activation 1 pigeon upfront. There are 8 pigeons passed qualifying toss 120 km. Therefore, organizer will invoice the outstanding balance 7xUS$580 = US$4,060.
- In the event of a participant who has no pigeon to be basketed in the Qualifying toss 120 km., The prepaid activation fee US$ 580 shall be refunded.
- Participants must complete the Entry form. Full Name, Mobile No., and valid E-mail are required to register PIPR account exclusively for Participants on
- Team Name/Syndicate name is maximum 50 alphabets and has to be finalized. Once entering the first pigeon to the race. Team Name/Syndicate name change will be prohibited afterward.
- These pigeons must have an age of approximately 45-60 days. They must have properly fitted pigeon rings indicating the country of origin and year 2025. Pigeons must had been vaccinated against Paramyxo Virus, Pox Virus and treated with Tetracycline at least 3-5 days.
- In some countries or areas experiencing pandemic outbreak. The Organizer reserve the right to NOT accept pigeons from these countries to enter the race.
- After the pigeon has been sent to the organizer. They will be under the supervision and training process of the organizer, the participant shall have no right regardless of needed pigeon back or engage in a physical contact with the pigeon.
- In the case of a dead pigeon, the organizer will notify the pigeon owner. in order to send new pigeons to add on that team or replace. Within the acceptance period (1st March - 30th June 2025)
- The organizer will cover the ring of all pigeons in order to prevent any tampering or cheating.
- In the event of pigeons are not ready to compete in the qualifying toss 120 km. or to compete for all racing Hotspots. The discretion of the organizer is final.
- the organizer will not be responsible for any damages incurred from sick, injured, dead, lost or missing pigeons from training or competing. In any case, participants cannot disagree. or request a refund of the activation fee in any case.
- For every racing Hotspots, organizer will run the clocking system for 3 days from the release day at the location in each Hotspot (timing cut-off at 6.00 p.m. GMT+7)
- FCI Racing Pigeons Grand Prix certifies the results of the race at the Hotspot of 430 km.
- Freight and shipping expenses will be responsible by the participant.
- Only US dollars (US$) and Thai baht (THB) are acceptable for the payment.
Any outstanding balance must be made in the same currency that was previously paid - Prize money will be paid in the same currency as Entryfee, after withheld tax deduction of prize money in accordance with the taxation law in Thailand.
- PIPR's account details for transfer Entry fee and auction in US$ as follows Beneficiary's account detail:
Kindly sent the proof of payment to [email protected] - Domestic and International participants must accept terms and conditions as set out by the organizer. (PIPR)
Qualifying Toss 120 km.
- The organizer have the right to set or postpone the date of the qualifying toss 120 km. as they deem appropriate. The discretion of the organizer is final.
- The organizer will run the clocking system 5 days from the release day at the location of the Qualifying toss 120 km. (timing cut-off at 6. p.m. GMT+7)
- All pigeons that returned within the first 3 days from the release day of the Qualifying toss 120 km. Participant is subjected to pay the subscription fee for all returned pigeons.Upon demand is not allowed
- In the event of pigeons returned on day 4-5 of Qualifying toss 120 km., the participant may choose whether to pay or not to pay the subscription fee in order for pigeons to be eligible for subsequent races. If the participant decides not to pay the subscription fee, such pigeons shall be disqualified (removed from all races with immediate effect) In this case, the organizer will take ownership of these pigeons and the organizer will have the right to take any actions as deemed appropriate.
- Subscription fee payment shall be made within 5 days counting from pigeons returning date in the Qualifying toss 120 km. In the event of failure to make such payment within the specified time frame or the amount paid is less than the issued invoices, such pigeons shall be disqualified and removed from all races with immediate effect. In this case, the organizer will take ownership of these pigeons and shall have the rights to take any actions as deemed appropriate.
- If the participants does not follow/comply with the rules. the organizer reserves the right not to refund the application fee in all cases.
- Participants can check training and race results on the website.
Or for both training and race results and photos of pigeons those qualified the Qualifyin toss120 km. on the website.
Phra That Phanom Race: 600 km.
In Pattaya Grand Prix 530 km., pigeons ranked 501st onwards and those pigeons that do not meet the auctions criteria category, those pigeons will be included in the Phra That Phanom Race; 600 km.
Pigeons that have passed the Qualifying Toss 120 km. and participants have paid the full application fee within the specified time. Even if they do not compete in the Pattaya Grand Prix 530 km. or any other race in any case, that pigeon is still eligible to compete in the Phra That Phanom Race 600 km.
Pigeons that have completed Pattaya Grand Prix 530 km. and are up for auction on the PIPA website ( or PIPR ( according to the conditions set by the organizer is not eligible to participate in the Phra That Phanom Race 600 km. but the organizer will refund the application fee of 30 USD to the owner of that pigeon.
All pigeons that meet the conditions must participate in the Phra That Phanom Race 600 km. The 30 USD application fee cannot be refunded under any circumstances (including pigeons that are sick, injured, or not ready to compete under any circumstances. The discretion of the organizer is final)
Auctions Terms
- Pigeon Auctions are Online platform at and
PIPA Auction criteria (200 pigeons) | PIPR Auction Criteria | |
* Pigeons ranked in the Top 1-50 of the Pattaya Grand Prix race 530> | * Pigeons ranked in the top 1-3 of Hotspot 330 km. and Hotspot 430 km. | |
* Ace Pigeons ranked in the Top 1-10 | * Pigeons ranked in the Top 51-500 of the Pattaya Grand Prix race 530 km. | |
* Pigeons ranked in the Top 1-50 of the Phra That Phanom race 600 km. | * Ace Pigeons ranked in the Top 11-50 | |
* 90 Extra Pigeons (In this case, the organizer reserves the right to select | * Pigeons ranked in the Top 51-150 of the Phra That Phanom race 600 km. | |
and auction with commercial interests, without prior notification or permission |
* Every overseas pigeon ranked 151 onward from the Phra That Phanom race 600 km. are included in the auction. |
*In the event of participant does not submit the required pedigree within 7 days after 530 km. race or 600 km. race. According to the auction conditions of that pigeon, the organizer reserves the right to remove that pigeon from PIPA Auction criteria without prior notification. |
*The organizer reserves the right to select and auction pigeons that have returned (even if they are not clocked in the Benzing system) with commercial interests, without permission from the owner |
- After deducting the processing fee of 10%, the breeder receives 60%, and the organizer receives 40%.
- If the organizer does not receive payment for the pigeon auction within the specified time, that auction will be considered invalid. The organizer has the right to republish such pigeons on the auction website and use the latest auction price as the value of the pigeon.
- The remaining pigeons from the auction. Breeders can buy them back and pay the processing fee of 10% of the start bid price on the website and pay the share 40% after the deduction of the processing fee to the organizer.
- The remaining pigeons from the auction those are not bought back shall be under the right of organizer to take any actions as deemed appropriate.
- The pigeons's owner shall be responsible for withholding taxes or expenses pertaining to the prize money or auction proceeds in accordance to the taxation in Thailand
- In any pertaining freight, expenses shall be responsible by the bidder
- The organizer will use the foreign exchange rate indicated by the Bank of Thailand
The Organizer shall have the right to amend or modify the aforementioned rules and regulations without prior notice